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Name day: Irene Name: Irene Overview of name day Irene's name day is celebrated on February 21 in Spain, April 1 in Austria and Italy, April 3 in Germany, April 5 in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Norway, Sweden and the USA, April 16 in Ukraine, April 26 in Greece, May 5 in Greece and Ukraine, May 13 in Latvia, July 28 in Greece, September 18 in Ukraine and October 20 in Spain.Name days - name Irene Country Month Day Name days Spain February 21 Irene , Pedro Damián Austria April 1 Hugo , Irene , Irina Italy April 1 Irene Germany April 3 Irene Denmark April 5 Irene Estonia April 5 Irene , Ireene , Reene , Reena , Rena , Renate Finland April 5 Irene , Irina France April 5 Irène Norway April 5 Eiril , Eirin , Irene Sweden April 5 Irene , Irja USA April 5 Chandra , Ethelburga , Irene , Irina , Tyler , Tylor Ukraine April 16 Irene , Oryna , Orysia Greece April 26 Glafyra , Irene Greece May 5 Eirinis , Irini , Irene , Efraim Ukraine May 5 Myroslav , Myroslava , Irene Latvia May 13 Ina , Ira , Iraida , Irena , Irene , Irina , Miervalda Greece July 28 Afhentios , Timon , Irene Ukraine September 18 Irene Spain October 20 Academia , Irene
Name days - similar names (Irene) Country Month Day Name days Poland March 25 Dyzma , Ireneusz , Lucja , Łucja , Lutomysł , Maria , Mariola , Wieńczysław Poland April 6 Ada , Adam , Adamina , Celestyn , Celestyna , Diogenes , Ireneusz , Katarzyna , Świętobor , Sykstus , Wilhelm , Zachariasz Croatia June 28 Irenej , Smiljan France June 28 Irénée Italy June 28 Ireneo Poland June 28 Amos , Ireneusz , Józef , Leon , Paweł , Raissa , Zbrosław Italy October 20 Irene del Portogallo Croatia December 14 Irenej , Drinske mucenice Lithuania December 21 Girene , Honoratas , Norgaudas , Tomas