
Name days in September in Poland

This page displays a complete list of name days for a specific country and month, organized by date. Each name listed is associated with a particular day in the traditional name day calendar. Click on any name to explore its meaning, history, and related names.

Name Days: Tradition, Meaning, and Celebration

Name days are celebrated in Poland as a traditional occasion to honor individuals based on their given name, often linked to the feast day of saints in the Christian calendar. Each day of the year is associated with one or more names, and people celebrating their name day receive greetings and gifts, much like a birthday. While it isn't a public holiday, it is widely observed among friends, family, and coworkers. The celebration typically involves well-wishes, flowers, chocolates, and sometimes small gatherings or parties. Some people may even host open houses or provide treats to guests, similar to a birthday celebration. Name days have deep cultural roots in Poland, with many calendars listing the names associated with each day. For many, it holds as much significance as their actual birthday. The tradition is also common in other countries with strong Christian and Eastern European influences.

Name days in September in Poland: Complete List of Names and Dates

Here is a complete list of names and their corresponding dates for the selected period. Each name is associated with a specific day, following the traditional name day calendar. Browse the list to find names and their designated dates in chronological order.

Country Month Day Name days 
Poland Poland September 1 Bronisław, Bronisława, Bronisz, Idzi 
Poland Poland September 2 Absalon, Bohdan, Czech, Czechasz, Czechoń, Czesław, Dersław, Dionizy, Eliza, Henryk, Julian, Stefan, Tobiasz, Wilhelm, Witomysł 
Poland Poland September 3 Antoni, Bartłomiej, Bazylissa, Bronisław, Bronisz, Erazma, Eufemia, Eufrozyna, Izabela, Jan, Joachim, Joachima, Manswet, Mojmir, Szymon, Wincenty, Zenon, Zenona 
Poland Poland September 4 Agatonik, Ida, Lilianna, Rościgniew, Róża, Rozalia 
Poland Poland September 5 Dorota, Herakles, Herkulan, Herkules, Justyna, Laurencjusz, Stronisława, Wawrzyniec 
Poland Poland September 6 Albin, Beata, Eugenia, Eugeniusz, Magnus, Michał, Uniewit, Zachariasz 
Poland Poland September 7 Domasława, Domisława, Marek, Melchior, Regina, Rena, Ryszard 
Poland Poland September 8 Adrian, Adrianna, Klementyna, Maria, Nestor, Radosław, Radosława 
Poland Poland September 9 Augustyna, Aureliusz, Dionizy, Gorgoncjusz, Pimen, Piotr, Ścibor, Ścibora, Sergiusz, Sobiesąd 
Poland Poland September 10 Aldona, Łukasz, Mikołaj, Mścibor, Pulcheria 
Poland Poland September 11 Feliks, Jacek, Jan, Naczesław, Prot 
Poland Poland September 12 Amadeusz, Amedeusz, Cyrus, Gwidon, Maria, Piotr, Radzimir, Sylwin 
Poland Poland September 13 Aleksander, Aureliusz, Eugenia, Filip, Lubor, Materna, Morzysław, Szeliga 
Poland Poland September 14 Bernard, Cyprian, Roksana, Siemomysł, Szymon 
Poland Poland September 15 Albin, Budzigniew, Maria, Nikodem 
Poland Poland September 16 Antym, Cyprian, Edda, Edyta, Eufemia, Eugenia, Franciszek, Jakobina, Kamila, Kornel, Lucja, Łucja, Sebastiana, Sędzisław, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz 
Poland Poland September 17 Ariadna, Dezyderiusz, Drogosław, Franciszek, Hildegarda, Justyn, Justyna, Lambert, Lamberta, Narcyz, Teodora 
Poland Poland September 18 Dobrowit, Irena, Irma, Józef, Ryszarda, Stefania, Tytus, Zachariasz 
Poland Poland September 19 Alfons, Alfonsyna, January, Konstancja, Sydonia, Teodor, Więcemir 
Poland Poland September 20 Dionizy, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Fausta, Faustyna, Filipina, Irena, Oleg, Ostap, Sozant 
Poland Poland September 21 Bożeciech, Bożydar, Hipolit, Hipolita, Ifigenia, Jonasz, Laurenty, Mateusz, Mira 
Poland Poland September 22 Joachim, Joachima, Maurycy, Prosimir, Tomasz 
Poland Poland September 23 Boguchwała, Bogusław, Libert, Minodora, Tekla 
Poland Poland September 24 Gerard, Gerarda, Gerhard, Maria, Teodor, Tomir, Uniegost 
Poland Poland September 25 Aureli, Aurelia, Aurelian, Franciszek, Gaspar, Herkulan, Kamil, Kleofas, Kleopatra, Ładysław, Piotr, Rufus, Świętopełk, Wincenty, Władysław, Władysława, Włodzisław 
Poland Poland September 26 Cyprian, Euzebiusz, Justyna, Łękomir 
Poland Poland September 27 Amadeusz, Amedeusz, Damian, Kosma, Przedbor, Urban 
Poland Poland September 28 Jan, Laurencjusz, Luba, Lubosza, Marek, Nikita, Salomon, Sylwin, Wacław, Wacława, Wawrzyniec, Więcesław 
Poland Poland September 29 Dadźbog, Franciszek, Michalina 
Poland Poland September 30 Grzegorz, Hieronim, Honoriusz, Imisław, Leopard, Sofia, Wera, Wiera, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Zofia 

Celebration of name day and name in Poland

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