Name days in February in Germany
This page displays a complete list of name days for a specific country and month, organized by date. Each name listed is associated with a particular day in the traditional name day calendar. Click on any name to explore its meaning, history, and related names.
Name Days: Tradition, Meaning, and Celebration
In Germany, name days are traditionally associated with the feast days of Christian saints, whose names many people are given at birth. While not as widely celebrated as in other countries, name days still hold cultural significance for some, especially in Catholic regions like Bavaria. The celebration typically involves small gestures, such as giving a card, flowers, or a token gift, rather than elaborate festivities. Friends and family might congratulate the person, similar to a birthday. Globally, name days are more prominent in countries like Poland, Greece, and Hungary, where they are celebrated on par with or even more than birthdays. Rooted in religious calendars, they honor the saint or martyr associated with a specific date. In some cultures, individuals with the same name may gather for communal celebrations. Name days are often marked with prayers, church services, or festive meals, reflecting both personal and communal traditions.
Name days in February in Germany: Complete List of Names and Dates
Here is a complete list of names and their corresponding dates for the selected period. Each name is associated with a specific day, following the traditional name day calendar. Browse the list to find names and their designated dates in chronological order.