Pío's name day is celebrated on February 7 in Croatia.
This name day is just 4 days away.
Numerology behind a name reveals hidden meanings, personality traits, and life influences based on the numerical values of its letters.
Life Path Meaning: A mission to create a solid foundation through persistence and structure.
First name number: 6 - The Nurturer.
Traits: Responsible, family-oriented, compassionate, protective.
Strengths: Caring, loyal, great at building harmony.
Challenges: Can be controlling, overly self-sacrificing, or struggle with boundaries.
Country | Month | Day | Name days |
Poland | January | 3 | Arletta, Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Enoch, Genowefa, Piotr, Włościsława |
Poland | January | 18 | Bogumił, Jaropełk, Krystyna, Liberata, Małgorzata, Piotr, Pryska |
Poland | January | 28 | Agnieszka, Augustyn, Flawian, Ildefons, Julian, Karol, Leonidas, Piotr, Radomir, Roger, Waleriusz |
Poland | January | 31 | Cyrus, Euzebiusz, Jan, Ksawery, Ludwik, Marceli, Marcelin, Marcelina, Piotr, Spycigniew, Wirgiliusz |
Poland | February | 5 | Adelajda, Aga, Agata, Albin, Izydor, Jakub, Jan, Justynian, Paweł, Piotr, Strzeżysława |
Poland | February | 8 | Gniewomir, Gniewosz, Honorat, Jan, Ksenofont, Lucjusz, Paweł, Piotr, Salomon, Sebastian, Żaklina |
Poland | February | 22 | Małgorzata, Nikifor, Piotr, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Wrócisław |
Poland | February | 23 | Bądzimir, Damian, Florentyn, Łazarz, Piotr, Roma, Romana, Seweryn |
Poland | February | 24 | Bogurad, Bogusz, Boguta, Bohusz, Lucjusz, Maciej, Piotr |
Poland | March | 1 | Albin, Antoni, Antonina, Budzisław, Budzisz, Eudokia, Eudoksja, Ewdokia, Feliks, Herakles, Herkules, Jewdocha, Joanna, Józef, Nikifor, Piotr |
Poland | March | 2 | Absalon, Franciszek, Halszka, Helena, Henryk, Januaria, Krzysztof, Lew, Michał, Paweł, Piotr, Radosław, Symplicjusz |
Greece | March | 15 | Agapios |
Poland | March | 23 | Eberhard, Feliks, Katarzyna, Kondrat, Oktawian, Pelagia, Pelagiusz, Piotr, Zbysław |
Poland | April | 27 | Anastazy, Andrzej, Bożebor, Kanizjusz, Martyn, Piotr, Teofil, Zyta |
Poland | April | 29 | Angelina, Augustyn, Bogusław, Hugo, Hugon, Paulin, Piotr, Rita, Robert, Roberta, Sybilla |
Croatia | April | 30 | Pio V. papa, Josip Cottolengo |
Italy | April | 30 | Pio V |
Spain | April | 30 | Jaime, Amador, Pía, Pío |
Poland | May | 8 | Dezyderia, Ilza, Marek, Michał, Piotr, Stanisław |
Poland | May | 13 | Andrzej, Aron, Ciechosław, Gloria, Magdalena, Piotr, Robert, Roberta, Serwacy |
Poland | May | 19 | Augustyn, Celestyn, Iwo, Mikołaj, Pękosław, Piotr, Potencjana |
Poland | June | 2 | Efrem, Erazm, Eugeniusz, Marcelin, Maria, Marianna, Mikołaj, Nicefor, Piotr, Racisław |
Finland | June | 18 | Tapio |
Poland | June | 23 | Agrypina, Albin, Bazyli, Józef, Piotr, Prosper, Wanda, Zenon, Zenona |
Poland | June | 29 | Benedykta, Benita, Dalebor, Paweł, Piotr |
Poland | July | 2 | Juda, Maria, Martynian, Otto, Piotr, Urban |
Poland | July | 7 | Antoni, Benedykt, Cyryl, Estera, Kira, Metody, Piotr, Pompejusz, Sędzisława, Wilibald |
Greece | July | 8 | Theofilos, Prokopios |
Poland | July | 12 | Andrzej, Euzebiusz, Feliks, Henryk, Jan Gwalbert, Paweł, Piotr, Tolimir, Weronika |
Poland | August | 1 | Brodzisław, Justyn, Konrad, Konrada, Nadia, Piotr |
Poland | August | 12 | Bądzisław, Hilaria, Klara, Lech, Leonida, Piotr |
Poland | August | 19 | Bolesław, Emilia, Jan, Julian, Juliusz, Ludwik, Piotr, Sebald |
Croatia | August | 21 | Pio X. p., Hermogen, Anastazij |
Italy | August | 21 | Pio X |
Greece | August | 22 | Theoprepios |
Poland | September | 9 | Augustyna, Aureliusz, Dionizy, Gorgoncjusz, Pimen, Piotr, Ścibor, Ścibora, Sergiusz, Sobiesąd |
Poland | September | 12 | Amadeusz, Amedeusz, Cyrus, Gwidon, Maria, Piotr, Radzimir, Sylwin |
Croatia | September | 23 | Padre Pio, Lino p., Tekla |
Italy | September | 23 | Lino, Pio da Pietralcina |
Poland | September | 25 | Aureli, Aurelia, Aurelian, Franciszek, Gaspar, Herkulan, Kamil, Kleofas, Kleopatra, Ładysław, Piotr, Rufus, Świętopełk, Wincenty, Władysław, Władysława, Włodzisław |
Greece | October | 10 | Evlampios |
Poland | October | 19 | Ferdynand, Fryda, Pelagia, Pelagiusz, Piotr, Siemowit, Skarbimir, Toma, Ziemowit |
Poland | November | 16 | Aureliusz, Dionizy, Edmund, Gertruda, Leon, Marek, Maria, Niedamir, Otomar, Paweł, Piotr |
Poland | November | 21 | Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Janusz, Konrad, Konrada, Maria, Piotr, Regina, Rena, Rufus, Twardosław, Wiesław |
Poland | December | 4 | Barbara, Berno, Biernat, Chrystian, Hieronim, Krystian, Piotr |
Greece | December | 8 | Patapios |
Poland | December | 25 | Anastazja, Eugenia, Piotr, Spirydion |