
Name day: Július

Name: Július

Overview of name day

Július's name day is celebrated on January 7 in Lithuania, February 16 in Sweden, April 8 in the USA, April 11 in Slovakia, April 12 in Austria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania and Norway, June 21 in Ukraine, July 1 in Lithuania, August 19 in Austria and December 20 in Austria.

Numerology Meaning Behind the Name: Július

Numerology behind a name reveals hidden meanings, personality traits, and life influences based on the numerical values of its letters.

Pythagorean Numerology

Destiny number: 8 – The Powerhouse.
Keywords: Power, ambition, material success, authority, confidence.
Positive Traits: Strong-willed, business-minded, disciplined, ambitious, efficient.
Challenges: Can be materialistic, controlling, or work-obsessed.
Life Path Meaning: A path focused on achieving success, power, and financial security.

Chaldean Numerology

First name number: 5 - The Adventurer.
Traits: Energetic, freedom-loving, curious, adaptable.
Strengths: Versatile, enjoys new experiences, quick thinker.
Challenges: Can be restless, impulsive, or lack focus.

This name is a great choice for pets as well

This name has a playful and energetic sound, making it perfect for a lively pet. It's easy to say and remember, which is ideal for training commands. This unique name will help your pet stand out from the crowd and give them a distinct personality. Whether you have a playful puppy or a mischievous kitten, this name is sure to bring joy to your interactions with your furry friend.

Name days - name Július

Country Month Day Name days 
Lithuania Lithuania January 7 Julius, Liucijus, Raudvile, Retenis 
Sweden Sweden February 16 Julia, Julius 
USA USA April 8 Gillian, Jill, Jillian, Jolyon, Julia, Julian, Juliana, Julianna, Julianne, Julie, Julien, Juliet, Juliette, Julio, Julissa, Julius 
Slovakia Slovakia April 11 Július 
Austria Austria April 12 Herta, Julius, Zeno 
Czechia Czechia April 12 Julius 
Denmark Denmark April 12 Julius 
Estonia Estonia April 12 Julius, Ulrik, Ullo, Udo, Uudo 
Finland Finland April 12 Julia, Julius 
Germany Germany April 12 Julius 
Lithuania Lithuania April 12 Damijonas, Galmantas, Julius, Jurate 
Norway Norway April 12 Julie, Julius 
Ukraine Ukraine June 21 Julian, Julius 
Lithuania Lithuania July 1 Julius, Lieoa, Tautrimas, Tautrime 
Austria Austria August 19 Johann, Julius, Sebald 
Austria Austria December 20 Eike, Holger, Julius, Regina 

Name days - similar names (Július)

Country Month Day Name days 
Poland Poland April 12 Andrzej, Iwan, Juliusz, Siemiodrog, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Zenon, Zenona 
Poland Poland May 27 Beda, Izydor, Jan, Juliusz, Lucjan, Magdalena, Radowit 
Poland Poland August 19 Bolesław, Emilia, Jan, Julian, Juliusz, Ludwik, Piotr, Sebald 

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