
Name day: Ap.

Name: Ap.

Overview of name day

Ap.'s name day is celebrated on June 29 in Croatia.
This name day is 146 days away.

Numerology Meaning Behind the Name: Ap.

Numerology behind a name reveals hidden meanings, personality traits, and life influences based on the numerical values of its letters.

Pythagorean Numerology

Destiny number: 8 – The Powerhouse.
Keywords: Power, ambition, material success, authority, confidence.
Positive Traits: Strong-willed, business-minded, disciplined, ambitious, efficient.
Challenges: Can be materialistic, controlling, or work-obsessed.
Life Path Meaning: A path focused on achieving success, power, and financial security.

Chaldean Numerology

First name number: 9 - The Humanitarian.
Traits: Compassionate, idealistic, wise, selfless.
Strengths: Generous, charismatic, inspires others.
Challenges: Can be overly emotional, self-sacrificing, or struggle with boundaries.

Name days - name Ap.

Country Month Day Name days 
Croatia Croatia June 29 Petar i Pavao, ap., Krešimir 

Name days - similar names (Ap.)

Country Month Day Name days 
Croatia Croatia April 25 Sv. Marko ap. i ev., Maroje 
Croatia Croatia May 3 Filip i Jakov ap., Jakica 
Croatia Croatia May 14 Matija ap., Mate, Matko, Matea 
Croatia Croatia June 11 Barnaba ap., Borna 
Croatia Croatia July 25 Jakov st. ap., Kristofor, Kristo 
Croatia Croatia August 24 Bartol ap., Bariša, Zlata 
Croatia Croatia September 21 Matej ap., Mate, Matko 
Croatia Croatia September 28 Dominik Ibanez i jap. muc., Vjenceslav 

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