
Name days in May

Country: USA
Month: May

Name Days: Tradition, Meaning, and Celebration

In the USA, name days are not widely celebrated, but they are recognized in some communities, particularly among those with Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Hispanic traditions. A name day is similar to a birthday but celebrates the feast day of the saint or religious figure after whom a person is named. The date of the name day varies depending on the calendar of saints and the person's name. In some families, name days are marked by giving small gifts, flowers, or best wishes, similar to birthday celebrations. In countries like Greece, Hungary, and Poland, name days are major social events with public celebrations, often more significant than birthdays. People might host parties or gatherings, and it’s common to receive congratulations from friends and family. In the US, while not a nationwide tradition, some people of European descent may still observe name days within their families or religious communities. These celebrations are especially popular in areas with a strong presence of Eastern European or Mediterranean populations.

Name Days: Complete List of Names and Dates

Country Month Day Name days 
USA USA May 1 Mae, May, Patience, Sigmund, Sigmunda 
USA USA May 2 Bing, Zoe, Zoey, Zolita 
USA USA May 3 Joletta, Trey, Troy, Viola, Violet, Violetta, Yolanda 
USA USA May 4 Mona, Monica, Monika, Monique, Monita, Web, Webb, Webster 
USA USA May 5 Jodi, Jodie, Jody, Judie, Judith, Judy, Terrell, Tyrell, Tyrese, Tyron, Tyrone, Tyrrell, Tyson 
USA USA May 6 Morna, Mya, Myah, Myrna, Orson, Prudence 
USA USA May 7 Ahern, Cooper, Dexter, Gisela, Gisella, Giselle, Gisselle, Hearne, Herne, Heron 
USA USA May 8 Acacia, Ace, Hal, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hattie 
USA USA May 9 Casandra, Cassandra, Grizelda, Kasandra, Kassandra, Zelda 
USA USA May 10 Cormac, Cormick, Gordon, Job, Joby, Jobina, Max, Maximilian, Maximus, Maxine, Maxwell 
USA USA May 11 Asa, Ervin, Erwin, Irvin, Irving, Irwing, Marlo, Marlon, Marlow, Marvin, Merle, Merlin, Mervin 
USA USA May 12 Achilla, Achilles, Grady, Grant, Kelby, Kellen 
USA USA May 13 Imani, Imelda, Imogene, Payton, Peyton 
USA USA May 14 Asher, Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashley, Ashlie, Ashlyn, Ashlynn, Ashton, Berk, Berkeley, Bourke, Burgess, Burke 
USA USA May 15 Sofia, Sonia, Sonya, Sophia, Sophie, Ward, Wardell 
USA USA May 16 Brand, Branden, Brandi, Brandon, Brandy, Brannon, Brant, Brenda, Brendan, Brenden, Brendon, Brenna, Brennan, Brent, Brenton 
USA USA May 17 Pascal, Pascha, Pascual, Turner 
USA USA May 18 Aric, Eric, Erica, Erich, Erick, Ericka, Erik, Erika, Perry 
USA USA May 19 Dumont, Duncan, Dunstan, Indigo, Ivar, Ives, Wright, Yves 
USA USA May 20 Bernadette, Bernardina, Bernardine, Bernetta, Bernita 
USA USA May 21 Adelric, Adiel, Audric, Keaton, Kendrick 
USA USA May 22 Jolee, Joleen, Jolene, Jolie, Marshall 
USA USA May 23 Allard, Desirae, Desire, Desiree 
USA USA May 24 Chelsea, Chelsey, Chelsie, Landen, Landon 
USA USA May 25 Madalyn, Madeleine, Madeline, Madelyn, Madilyn, Marlee, Marleen, Marlena, Marlene, Marley 
USA USA May 26 Felipe, Flip, Phil, Philip, Philippa, Phillip 
USA USA May 27 Broderick, Brodie, Brody, Isador, Isadora, Isadore, Isidro 
USA USA May 28 Bevan, Bevis, Emil, Emiliano, Emilio, Faron, Ferrin, Ferron 
USA USA May 29 Duana, Duane, Duanna, Dwayne, Fitz, Fitzerald 
USA USA May 30 Joan, Joani, Joann, Joanna, Joanne, Johanna, Fawn, Fern, Fernanda, Fernando, Ferdinand, Ferdinanda, Ferdinando 
USA USA May 31 Camila, Camilla, Camille, Petra, Petronella, Pier 

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