
Name days in February in Ukraine

This page displays a complete list of name days for a specific country and month, organized by date. Each name listed is associated with a particular day in the traditional name day calendar. Click on any name to explore its meaning, history, and related names.

Name Days: Tradition, Meaning, and Celebration

In Ukraine, name days, known as Angel's Day, are celebrated in honor of saints and individuals with specific names derived from the Christian calendar. Each day of the year is associated with a particular saint, and those who share that name celebrate their name day with well-wishes, blessings, and sometimes gifts. Name days are often seen as more significant than birthdays in Ukrainian culture. People typically receive visits from friends and family, who bring flowers, sweets, or small presents, while hosts offer hospitality. The celebration is not always marked with grand parties but may include a festive meal or cake. Religious services may also take place, especially in rural areas. Name days often reflect the strong connection to Christian traditions in Ukraine. The calendar of name days is widely available, with names listed alongside their corresponding dates. In general, name days are observed across various countries, often tied to religious traditions. Each name corresponds to a particular saint or religious figure, and people with that name celebrate by receiving greetings and blessings from friends and family. While they are especially important in Eastern Orthodox and Catholic countries, the significance and customs vary by culture.

Name days in February in Ukraine: Complete List of Names and Dates

Here is a complete list of names and their corresponding dates for the selected period. Each name is associated with a specific day, following the traditional name day calendar. Browse the list to find names and their designated dates in chronological order.

Country Month Day Name days 
Ukraine Ukraine February 1 Tryfon 
Ukraine Ukraine February 3 Simon 
Ukraine Ukraine February 5 Agatha 
Ukraine Ukraine February 6 Teofil, Teofila 
Ukraine Ukraine February 11 Ulas 
Ukraine Ukraine February 13 Zoia, Zoe 
Ukraine Ukraine February 16 Marianna, Theodore 
Ukraine Ukraine February 19 Lev, Leo, Levko 
Ukraine Ukraine February 20 Svitlana 
Ukraine Ukraine February 22 Regina 
Ukraine Ukraine February 24 Taras 
Ukraine Ukraine February 26 Sebastian 
Ukraine Ukraine February 27 Margaret 

Celebration of name day and name in Ukraine

Name Days in Ukraine: Traditions, Modern Practices, and Cultural Significance

Name days hold a special place in Ukrainian culture, deeply intertwined with religious traditions and social customs. Unlike birthdays, which celebrate an individual's birth, name days honor the saint or religious figure associated with a given name. This tradition has evolved over centuries and continues to be an important aspect of Ukrainian society.

Historical and Religious Background

The concept of name days in Ukraine originates from Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which has played a significant role in shaping the country's traditions. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church follows the Julian calendar, which determines the dates on which saints are venerated. Historically, parents named their children after saints, believing that this would offer divine protection and guidance. The celebration of name days became a way to honor not just the person but also the saint they were named after, reinforcing religious devotion and communal bonds.

Name Days in Contemporary Ukraine

In modern Ukraine, name days are still widely recognized, although their significance varies depending on the region and personal beliefs. For some, name days are as important as birthdays, while for others, they serve as a modest occasion marked by well-wishes from family and friends. While the religious aspect remains prominent, many secular Ukrainians celebrate name days simply as a cultural tradition.

Regional Variations

Name day celebrations in Ukraine can differ based on geographical location. In western Ukraine, where religious customs are particularly strong, name days are often celebrated with church services, family gatherings, and feasts. In urban areas like Kyiv and Kharkiv, the observance tends to be more casual, with colleagues and friends offering greetings rather than hosting elaborate events. In some rural areas, older generations still follow traditional customs closely, while younger people may only acknowledge their name day through social media messages or small gatherings.

How Name Days Are Celebrated

Ukrainians typically celebrate name days with well-wishes, gatherings, and sometimes special rituals. Unlike birthdays, where the celebrant receives gifts, name day festivities focus on hospitality. A person celebrating their name day might host a small get-together at home, offer guests traditional treats, or even organize a meal at a restaurant. In more devout families, a visit to church and lighting a candle in honor of the saint is customary. Schools and workplaces may also acknowledge name days with simple congratulations or treats shared among colleagues.

Traditional and Modern Gifts

Name day gifts in Ukraine tend to be modest yet meaningful. Traditional presents include icons, religious books, candles, or baked goods like honey cake. In modern settings, people often gift flowers, chocolates, wine, or personalized souvenirs. Unlike birthdays, where gift-giving can be elaborate, name day gifts are usually small tokens of appreciation.

Name Days vs. Birthdays: Key Differences

Although name days and birthdays both involve celebrations, they have distinct differences. Name days are rooted in religious tradition and are not specific to an individual's birth date, whereas birthdays mark a person’s life anniversary. Additionally, name day celebrations emphasize communal participation rather than personal recognition. In Ukrainian culture, some people place more emphasis on their name day, while others consider birthdays more important.

The Influence of Social Media

The digital age has transformed how Ukrainians celebrate name days. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and messaging apps have made it easier for people to send quick greetings. Many Ukrainians receive name day wishes through online posts or group chats, reducing the necessity for in-person gatherings. However, this digital shift has also helped keep the tradition alive, as automated reminders prompt people to acknowledge name days even if they might have otherwise forgotten.

Name Days in Neighboring Countries

While name day traditions are prominent in Ukraine, similar customs exist in other Eastern European countries. In Poland and Slovakia, name days are celebrated with a comparable level of enthusiasm, often replacing birthdays in importance. In contrast, in Russia and Belarus, name days are acknowledged mainly by religious communities rather than the broader population. Despite these variations, the fundamental idea of honoring one's name saint remains consistent across the region.


Name days in Ukraine are a cherished tradition that bridges religious heritage with modern social customs. While the way they are celebrated has evolved, their significance remains strong, fostering a sense of connection among family, friends, and communities. Whether observed through grand festivities or simple well-wishes, name days continue to be a meaningful part of Ukrainian culture, reflecting the country’s rich history and traditions.

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