
Name days in February in Italy

This page displays a complete list of name days for a specific country and month, organized by date. Each name listed is associated with a particular day in the traditional name day calendar. Click on any name to explore its meaning, history, and related names.

Name Days: Tradition, Meaning, and Celebration

In Italy, name days are celebrated similarly to birthdays, with each day of the year dedicated to specific saints in the Catholic calendar. Italians often celebrate their onomastico by receiving well-wishes, gifts, or flowers from family and friends. This tradition is deeply ingrained in the culture, especially for those who bear the name of a saint. The date of the name day depends on the saint's feast day, and it is often more significant than birthdays for many people. Family gatherings, special meals, and prayers may also be part of the celebration. In some regions, it is customary to offer small gifts or treats to guests. Name days are especially significant in religious communities, and many people attend church services to honor their patron saint. While it is not as widely celebrated as Christmas or Easter, the onomastico remains an important cultural tradition in Italy.

Name days in February in Italy: Complete List of Names and Dates

Here is a complete list of names and their corresponding dates for the selected period. Each name is associated with a specific day, following the traditional name day calendar. Browse the list to find names and their designated dates in chronological order.

Country Month Day Name days 
Italy Italy February 1 Giovanni Bosco 
Italy Italy February 2 Verdiana 
Italy Italy February 3 Sabatino 
Italy Italy February 4 Biagio 
Italy Italy February 5 Gilberto Sempronio 
Italy Italy February 6 Agata 
Italy Italy February 7 Paolo Miki 
Italy Italy February 8 Teodoro 
Italy Italy February 9 Girolamo Emiliani 
Italy Italy February 10 Apollonia 
Italy Italy February 11 Giacinto 
Italy Italy February 12 N.di Lourdes 
Italy Italy February 13 Eulalia 
Italy Italy February 14 Maura 
Italy Italy February 15 Valentino 
Italy Italy February 16 Faustino 
Italy Italy February 17 Giuliana di N. 
Italy Italy February 18 Marianna, Severa 
Italy Italy February 19 Simeone 
Italy Italy February 20 Mansueto 
Italy Italy February 21 Eleuterio 
Italy Italy February 22 Pier Damiani 
Italy Italy February 23 Margherita da Cortona 
Italy Italy February 24 Policarpo di Smirne 
Italy Italy February 25 Edilberto 
Italy Italy February 26 Cesario 
Italy Italy February 27 Andrea 
Italy Italy February 28 Leandro 
Italy Italy February 29 Giusto 

Celebration of name day and name in Italy

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